Migrate From ckb-sdk-core to Lumos
To avoid splitting the development ecosystem, ckb-sdk-js
will be migrated to lumos
, please check out the migration list.
If you are using any function that is not on this list, please refer to the lumos
Transaction migration example list
Simple transaction migration example
before: ckb-sdk-js simple example
simple transaction with lumos example
import { Script, Address, config, Indexer, RPC, hd, commons } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"
import { TransactionSkeleton, encodeToAddress, sealTransaction } from "@ckb-lumos/helpers"
// ckt
const CKB_RPC_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/rpc"
const CKB_INDEXER_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/indexer"
const rpc = new RPC(CKB_RPC_URL)
const indexer = new Indexer(CKB_INDEXER_URL, CKB_RPC_URL)
const CONFIG = config.createConfig({
PREFIX: "ckt",
export const generateSECP256K1Account = (privKey: string) => {
const pubKey = hd.key.privateToPublic(privKey)
const args = hd.key.publicKeyToBlake160(pubKey)
const template = CONFIG.SCRIPTS["SECP256K1_BLAKE160"]!
const lockScript = {
codeHash: template.CODE_HASH,
hashType: template.HASH_TYPE,
args: args,
const address = encodeToAddress(lockScript, { config: CONFIG })
return {
const bootstrap = async () => {
const alice = generateSECP256K1Account("0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc")
const bob = generateSECP256K1Account("0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d")
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.transfer(txSkeleton, alice.address, bob.address, BigInt(1000 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, alice.address, BigInt(1 * 10 ** 8), {
config: CONFIG,
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, alice.privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
console.log("The transaction hash is", hash)
sudt transaction migration example
before: ckb-sdk-js sudt example
sudt transaction with lumos example
import { config, Indexer, RPC, hd, commons } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"
import { TransactionSkeleton, encodeToAddress, sealTransaction } from "@ckb-lumos/helpers"
const CKB_RPC_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/rpc"
const CKB_INDEXER_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/indexer"
const rpc = new RPC(CKB_RPC_URL)
const indexer = new Indexer(CKB_INDEXER_URL, CKB_RPC_URL)
const CONFIG = config.createConfig({
PREFIX: "ckt",
CODE_HASH: "0x3419a1c09eb2567f6552ee7a8ecffd64155cffe0f1796e6e61ec088d740c1356",
HASH_TYPE: "type",
TX_HASH: "0xec26b0f85ed839ece5f11c4c4e837ec359f5adc4420410f6453b1f6b60fb96a6",
INDEX: "0x0",
DEP_TYPE: "code",
export const generateSECP256K1Account = (privKey: string) => {
const pubKey = hd.key.privateToPublic(privKey)
const args = hd.key.publicKeyToBlake160(pubKey)
const template = CONFIG.SCRIPTS["SECP256K1_BLAKE160"]!
const lockScript = {
codeHash: template.CODE_HASH,
hashType: template.HASH_TYPE,
args: args,
const address = encodeToAddress(lockScript, { config: CONFIG })
return {
export const issueToken = async (fromAddress: string, privKey: string) => {
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
txSkeleton = await commons.sudt.issueToken(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BigInt(10000))
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BigInt(1 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
return hash
export const transferToken = async (fromAddress: string, toAddress: string, privKey: string) => {
const token = commons.sudt.ownerForSudt(fromAddress)
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
txSkeleton = await commons.sudt.transfer(txSkeleton, [fromAddress], token, toAddress, BigInt(1000))
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BigInt(1 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
return hash
const bootstrap = async () => {
const alice = generateSECP256K1Account("0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc")
const bob = generateSECP256K1Account("0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d")
const issueTxHash = await issueToken(bob.address, bob.privKey)
console.log("issueTxHash is", issueTxHash)
// Wait a minute.
const transferTxHash = await transferToken(alice.address, bob.address, alice.privKey)
console.log("transferTxHash is", transferTxHash)
dao transaction migration example
before: ckb-sdk-js dao example
dao transaction with lumos example
import { BI, OutPoint, Cell, config, Indexer, RPC, hd, commons } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos"
import { TransactionSkeleton, encodeToAddress, sealTransaction } from "@ckb-lumos/helpers"
// ckt
const CKB_RPC_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/rpc"
const CKB_INDEXER_URL = "https://testnet.ckb.dev/indexer"
const rpc = new RPC(CKB_RPC_URL)
const indexer = new Indexer(CKB_INDEXER_URL, CKB_RPC_URL)
const CONFIG = config.createConfig({
PREFIX: "ckt",
export const generateSECP256K1Account = (privKey: string) => {
const pubKey = hd.key.privateToPublic(privKey)
const args = hd.key.publicKeyToBlake160(pubKey)
const template = CONFIG.SCRIPTS["SECP256K1_BLAKE160"]!
const lockScript = {
codeHash: template.CODE_HASH,
hashType: template.HASH_TYPE,
args: args,
const address = encodeToAddress(lockScript, { config: CONFIG })
return {
export const getCellByOutPoint = async (outpoint: OutPoint): Promise<Cell> => {
const tx = await rpc.get_transaction(outpoint.txHash)
if (!tx) {
throw new Error(`not found tx: ${outpoint.txHash}`)
const block = await rpc.getBlock(tx.txStatus.blockHash!)
return {
cellOutput: tx.transaction.outputs[0],
data: tx.transaction.outputsData[0],
outPoint: outpoint,
blockHash: tx.txStatus.blockHash,
blockNumber: block!.header.number,
export const deposit = async (fromAddress: string, privKey: string) => {
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
txSkeleton = await commons.dao.deposit(txSkeleton, fromAddress, fromAddress, BigInt(1000 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BigInt(1 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
return hash
export const withdraw = async (depositOutpoint: OutPoint, fromAddress: string, privKey: string) => {
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
const depositCell = await getCellByOutPoint(depositOutpoint)
txSkeleton = await commons.dao.withdraw(txSkeleton, depositCell, fromAddress)
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BigInt(1 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
return hash
export const unlock = async (
depositOutpoint: OutPoint,
withdrawOutpoint: OutPoint,
fromAddress: string,
privKey: string
) => {
let txSkeleton = TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer })
const depositCell = await getCellByOutPoint(depositOutpoint)
const withdrawCell = await getCellByOutPoint(withdrawOutpoint)
txSkeleton = await commons.dao.unlock(txSkeleton, depositCell, withdrawCell, fromAddress, fromAddress)
txSkeleton = await commons.secp256k1Blake160.payFee(txSkeleton, fromAddress, BI.from(1 * 10 ** 8))
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton)
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privKey)
const tx = sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig])
const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough")
return hash
const bootstrap = async () => {
const alice = generateSECP256K1Account("0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc")
const depositTx = await deposit(alice.address, alice.privKey)
const depositOutpoint = { txHash: depositTx, index: "0x0" }
const withdrawTx = await withdraw(depositOutpoint, alice.address, alice.privKey)
const withdrawOutpoint = { txHash: withdrawTx, index: "0x0" }
// wait 180 epoch
const unlockTx = await unlock(depositOutpoint, withdrawOutpoint, alice.address, alice.privKey)
console.log("unlockTx is", unlockTx)