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Collector via Indexer or Light-Client

The CKB-Indexer and CKB Light Client both can be role as indexer for collecting cells, so they both work as Lumos' CellCollector


To make the CKB client role as an indexer, make sure the CKB client >= 0.105.0 with indexer on

To make the Light client role as an indexer, make sure scripts you care about has been set_scripts

import { CellCollector, RPC as CkbIndexerRpc, TerminableCellAdapter } from "@ckb-lumos/ckb-indexer"
import { RPC as CkbRpc } from "@ckb-lumos/rcp"
import { LightClientRPC } from "@ckb-lumos/light-client"

// const cellFetcher = new CkbRpc("https://localhost:8114") // ckb RPC entry
// const cellFetcher = new CkbIndexerRpc("https://localhost:8116") // ckb-indexer RPC entry
const cellFetcher = new LightClientRPC("http://localhost:8118") // light-client RPC entry

const collector = new CellCollector(new TerminableCellAdapter(cellFetcher), { lock: someLock })

// Collect cells
const collected: Cell[] = []
for await (const cell of collector.collect()) {